REPARENT COACHING is a unique and powerful blend of listening, nurturing, feedback, and energy clearing. Utilizing wisdom and insights from contemporary spiritual teachings and cutting edge energy psychology as a spring board, (and of course your own children and your reactions to them) we work together to identify and clear the roots of discomforts, stresses and reactions that get in the way of truly enjoying parenting. Using parenthood as a vehicle to identify and clear the roots of discomforts, stresses and reactions, reparenting brings you closer to your authentic self.
This perspective supports parents in accessing their own wisdom about parenting. Many parents defer to the "experts" and try to implement parenting rules that are often based in fear, control and avoidance of their own issues. Even progressive parents try to follow new progressive rules, and become stressed about trying to be a peaceful parent. These new rules, however, still maintain a disconnect from your own inner guidance! Parenting from the a clear and open heart with presence has no rules. The only thing necessary is clearing the path to your own inner wisdom.
ReParent Coaching and Counseling
Josha Grant: Welcome to my web window.
"To awaken within the dream is our purpose now. When we are awake within the dream, the ego-created earth drama comes to an end and a more benign and wondrous dream arises. This is the new earth." Eckhart Tolle
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ReParent yourself! - Life is supposed to feel good, really good. If you are not experiencing grace, ease and lightness of being in your parenting life, you are missing out. Shifting into this reality is simple, sometimes not easy. It requires some mastery with a few tools and a clearing of old dysfunctional programming that we took on as kids. Most of us don’t even know what we are carrying around with us; believing and trying to avoid. All these beliefs and unexpressed emotions and energies play a role in creating our reality and parenting is a great opportunity to deal with our stuff.
I offer affordable coaching that will shift your reality as a parent.You can email me at